Originally published in Spanish: “Hay que decir el pecado y el pecador”. Tsevan Rabtan. El Mundo. April 21, 2019 In The Trouble with Harry, Hitchcock’s peculiar film, all the characters believe they have killed a neighbor and are dedicated to bury and unearth their corpse repeatedly to prevent being discovered, while it turns out that the […]
Autor: dfernandez
Man muss Tat und Täter nennen
Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht: “Hay que decir el pecado y el pecador”. Tsevan Rabtan. El Mundo. Madrid, 21 April 2019 Nach der ersten Hälfte des Prozesses gibt es Angeklagte, die einige Leben verloren haben, aber nicht alle In Immer Ärger mit Harry, dem eigentümlichen Film von Hitchcock, glauben alle Figuren, sie hätten einen Nachbarn umgebracht, und […]
#JuicioProcés: The point of view of the Mossos, the exacerbating defence and the political rights of the accused
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: la versión de los Mossos, la crispación de la defensa y los derechos políticos de los procesados, by Hay Derecho The eighth week of the Procés Trial was marked, in the procedural plane, by the testimony of members of the Catalan autonomous police and the continuation of the strategy of […]
#JuicioProcés: The differences between the strategies of the defenses, the level of the international observers and charges pressed against Puigdemont in the Court of Accounts.
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: las diferencias entre las estrategias de la defensa, el nivel de los observadores internacionales y la petición de apertura de causa contra Puigdemont en el Tribunal de Cuentas Hay Derecho 01. 04. 2019 After the testimonies of the Civil Guard, it was time in this seventh week of the trial for […]
#JuicioProcés: testimonies of violence and the value of live streaming
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: los testimonios de violencia y el valor de la retransmisión en directo Hay Derecho 25. 03. 2019 In the three sessions that made up the sixth week of the trial, we heard the witness statements of 24 agents of the Guardia Civil who made entries and searches in various locations and […]
#JuicioProcés: Statements by police commanders (part II)
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: Las declaraciones de los mandos policiales (Parte II) Hay Derecho 18. 03. 2019 This fifth week of trial has been truly intense. Castellví, the former head of information at the Mossos, was the next to declare, and he was more much nuanced than the previous Friday, suspected of being under pressures […]
#JuicioProcés: Statements by police commanders and bench refereeing
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: Las declaraciones de los mandos policiales y la policía de estrados . Hay Derecho 11. 03. 2019 Statements by police commanders. We can safely assert that only this fourth week since the beginning of the trial to the “procés” the actual trial has begun. We leave in the memory the statements […]
#JuicioProcés: statements by defendants, witnesses and the inviolability strategy
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: las declaraciones de acusados, testigos, y la estrategia de la inviolabilidad . Hay Derecho 25 Feb 2019 Last Monday we launched the series of pieces on the trial to the Catalan “procés” to clarify why the Supreme Court is the competent authority to know about the case, by examining the defense […]
What Catalan secessionists do not understand about Brexit
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Lo que los independentistas catalanes no entienden del Brexit”. Marta García Aller. El Independiente. 10/02/2019 Updated 11/02/19 – 00: 03 Catalan secessionists do not understand, or they do not want to understand, what the purpose of a referendum is. The best evidence of this is that they always propose as an […]
#JuicioProcés: The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, the strategies of the defendants and the yellow ribbons
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: La competencia del TS, las estrategias de defensa y los lazos amarillos . Hay Derecho 18 february, 2019 On February 3 we announced our intention to tell the story of the «Trial of the Procés» (more precisely, the trial of the acts committed by some people in the aforementioned process), and […]