Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht. Marco Hulsewe. Expansión. Der Schaden an die Zivile katalanische Gesellschaft und ihre Wirtschaft wird lange anhalten. Die Gesellschaft ist komplett gebrochen und der Risikoeindruck hat sich im Investor eingeprägt. Aus all diesen Gründen, ist uns klar, und viele denken wie wir, dass wir Katalonien mit der Zeit verlassen werden. Wir möchten […]
Mes: octubre 2017
Perché ce ne andremo dalla Catalogna
Originale: «Por qué nos iremos de Cataluña». Marco Hulsewe. Expansión. Le conseguenze sulla società civile catalana e sulla sua economia dureranno a lungo. La società si è spaccata completamente, e l’investitore già sente il rischio. Per tutte queste ragioni, siamo sicuri, e come noi molti altri, che con il tempo ce ne andremo dalla Catalogna. […]
Plural Catalonia
Published originally in Spanish. Ricardo Dudda. El País. In 1965, the Barcelonian newspaper El Noticiero Universal commissioned fifteen articles from the philosopher Julian Marías on Catalonia, which became a book called Consideration of Catalonia. Marías does a remarkable exercise in Francoism: seeing Spain from Catalonia. He observes that Catalonia feel distanced from Madrid, or Castile […]
Catalonia, after St Crispin’s Day: the heroes of the blunder
Published originally in Spanish. Ramón González Férriz. El Confidencial. In the world, foolishness and blunder are far more common than coldly calculated evil, not to mention heroism. Life has more to do with that what happens in a comic of “Mortadelo and Filemón” than with the great feats which take place on the movie “Braveheart”. […]
Strange defeat
Originally published in Spanish. Daniel Capó. The Objective. Political failures are usually a consequence of intelligence errors. This is the thesis put forward by historian Marc Bloch in one of his most lucid books –Strange defeat- and it is unavoidable in these moments of civil unrest we turn our attention to it. Strange defeat is […]
Cuando las emociones distorsionan la imagen de la democracia
Traducción del artículo Wenn Emotionen das Bild der Demokratie verzerren. Ulrich Ladurner. Zeit Online. Los separatistas catalanes caldean el ambiente. Cientos de miles de personas se manifiestan en Barcelona, pero el Gobierno regional carece de fuerza, credibilidad y mayoría. Los separatistas catalanas siguen arrinconando al Presidente del Gobierno Mariano Rajoy. El martes una huelga general paralizó una gran […]
Houston, nous avons un problème . . . politique ?
Version du post publié sur Derecho Mercantil España. Jesús Alfaro. Les esprits les plus éclairés —et grand nombre parmi les plus obtus— de la gauche espagnole ont introduit dans la question catalane l’idée du « problème politique » dont le Gouvernement de Madrid, à leur avis, refuse de reconnaître l’existence. Mais dire que nous avons […]
Where is the Disproportion?
Originally published in Spanish. Félix Ovejero & Alejandro Molina. El País. It is unconceivable that someone could describe as “error” or “ineptitude” that law enforcement agents, with a court order prohibiting the “referendum”, complied precisely with their duty. Where is the error? In the employment of force? Look: anti riot police agents are not word-thinkers […]
Terra di nessuno
Originale: “Tierra de nadie”. Isabel Coixet. El País. Mi trovo in un posto silenzioso, dove c’é molta gente e dove non si sentono inni, nè grida, nè slogan, dove l’aria muove solamente bandiere bianche. Scrivo questo testo con il volto acceso. Non di vergogna, ma di rabbia. Due tipi con la bandiera stellata (NdT: la […]
Chonicle of the 1st of October – the revolution of the middle class
Published originally in Spanish. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres. In the Pere Vila school, on the Paseo de Lluís Companys in Barcelona, several young people are watching a garden fence. With the sun just up, it starts to rain. The only people on the street are immigrant workers opening shops. There’s the grafitti left from past […]