In English Voices From Spain

The Catalan process in Mauthausen or the Republic of Enric Marco

Originally published in Spanish: “El procés en Mauthausen o la república de Enric Marco”. Daniel Gascón. Letras Libres. May 6th 2019 Enric Marco is a scale model of secessionism: someone who used to present himself as a victim no matter he wasn’t one, and that appropriates the experience of the true victims. The procés* has used […]

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Auf Deutsch Voices From Spain

Der katalanische Unabhängigkeitskampf in Mauthausen oder Die Republik des Enric Marco

Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht: «El procés en Mauthausen o la república de Enric Marco». Daniel Gascón. Letras libres. 6 Mai 2019 Enric Marco dient der katalanischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung als Vorbild: Er gab sich als Opfer aus, das er nie war, und bemächtigte sich der Erfahrung der wirklichen Opfer. Die katalanische Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, der sog. Prozess, hat oft […]

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In Italiano Voices From Spain

La festa è finita: la fine del consenso nazionalista

Foto: Giammarco Boscaro | Unsplash Originale: «La fiesta ha terminado: el fin del consenso nacionalista». Jorge San Miguel. Letras Libres.  18 maggio 2018 La «tradizione inventata» dei 131 presidenti della Generalitat catalana deve essere collocata al suo posto preciso: insieme alle finzioni di Robert Howard o Tolkien. Ha suscitato grande scalpore un intervento del deputato Guillermo Diaz nel Congresso, […]

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In English Voices From Spain

The party is over: the end of nationalist consensus

Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: «La fiesta ha terminado: el fin del consenso nacionalista». Jorge San Miguel. Letras Libres.  18th May 2018 We must place in the right place the “invented tradition” of the 131 presidents of the Catalan Generalitat: with stories like those by Robert Howard or Tolkien. There’s been some controversy […]

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En Français Voices From Spain

Instructions pour être dissident

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash Publié à l’origine en espagnol: “‘Instrucciones para ser disidente”. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres 25 avril 2018 En Catalogne, il y a une sorte de personnage qui se targue d’aller à contre-courant mais qui, en réalité, ne fait que défendre le statu quo nationaliste. Le jour de Sant Jordi [saint patron de la Catalogne], l’ancien […]

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In English Voices From Spain

Instructions to become a dissident

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “‘Instrucciones para ser disidente”. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres 25th April 2018 On the day of Saint George, former Podem regional representative Albano Dante Fachín, who is very close to secessionist postulates (he buys the whole discourse but insists he is not a secessionist), wrote a letter that read: “Saint […]

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