Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “El fin del consenso catalán”. Daniel Gascón. El País. 17th July 2018 It’s essential to acknowledge that the balance inside Catalonia has changed The story of Clavileño is one of the most celebrated in the second part of Quixote. In order to free some women from a supposed spell, Don […]
Etiqueta: Daniel Gascón
Daniel Gascón: Il nazionalismo ha bisogno di poeti
Photo by Elena Alfaro Originale: “Daniel Gascón: el nacionalismo necesita poetas”. Borja Bauzá. The Objective. 15th June 2018 Daniel Gascón (Saragozza, 1981) è saggista, sceneggiatore, scrittore e responsabile dell’edizione spagnola della prestigiosa rivista “Letras Libres” . Ha anche tradotto Christopher Hitchens e Mark Lilla; il primo fu, fino alla morte, uno degli intellettuali più provocatori del ambito anglosassone e il secondo lo […]
Daniel Gascón: “Nationalism needs poets”
Photo by Elena Alfaro Originally published in Spanish: “Daniel Gascón: el nacionalismo necesita poetas”. Borja Bauzá.The Objective. 15th June 2018 Daniel Gascón (Zaragoza, 1981) is an essayist, screenwriter and writer, and runs the Spanish edition of the prestigious Letras Libres magazine. He has also translated Christopher Hitchens and Mark Lilla; the former was one of the […]
Chapitre quatre: » L’indépendance n’est pas de gauche «
Extraits de: “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. La défense du processus indépendantiste catalan à partir d’une position de gauche demande une certaine chutzpah (« insolence » ou « audace », en hébreux). La Catalogne n’est pas une région opprimée. Elle représente un cinquième […]
Chapitre trois: » Le pari du plébiscite «
Extraits de: “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. “Il ne s’agit pas d’indépendance oui ou non, mais de démocratie”, était un slogan fréquemment répété par les indépendantistes. Et d’une certaine manière, c’était vrai, mais pas de la façon dont ils […]
Chapitre deux: » Comment préparer une révolution «
Extraits de: “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. Le processus indépendantiste catalan est un coup de maître. Parmi ses caractéristiques les plus admirables, on trouve l’intensité et l’efficacité pour la propagande. Le contraste avec l’apathie du gouvernement espagnol, qui semblait […]
Chapter Four: «Independence is not Leftist»
Excerpts from “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. The defense of the Catalan process from a leftist position requires some chutzpah. Catalonia is not an oppressed region. It represents one fifth of Spanish GDP, about 16% of population, and its […]
Chapter Three: «A bid for the plebiscite»
Excerpts from “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. “This is not about independence, but democracy” was a slogan frequently repeated by the independentists. And it was true in a sense, but not in the sense they meant it. The main […]
Chapter Two: «How to Design a Revolution»
Excerpts from “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. The Catalan process is a designer coup. Among its most admirable features are its propagandistic intensity and efficiency. It contrasted with the sluggishness of the Spanish government, which seemed to think that […]
«Il colpo di stato ha dimostrato che lo Stato si difende e che tra l’altro ai catalani piace molto»
Photo by Antón Castro Originale: “El golpe que mostró que el Estado se defiende y que además le gusta a muchos catalanes”. Ramón González Férriz. El Confidencial 6 Maggio 2018 Il giornalista e direttore della rivista Letras ha scritto un saggio breve e incisivo sul «procés» e sull’indipendentismo catalano Il «procés» catalano ha rappresentato la maggiore sfida alla democrazia […]