Published originally in Spanish. Víctor Lapuente. El País. Outside of Catalonia, many analysts are flabbergasted. How is it possible that a large sector of Catalonian society -from amateur agitators to professional associations- are mistaking the work of the Civil Guard [a Spanish national police force – TN], following court instructions, for an authoritarian repression? Why […]
Autor: dfernandez
Two Republics for the price of one
Originally published in Spanish. José Ignacio Torreblanca. El País. In Spain we spend our days talking about a far right which does not exist -not politically, socially, electorally or in parliament. Media and and international observers have remarked on this absence for years. Some people, with a very sensitive detector, tell us that there is […]
A Sophisticated Nightmare
Publish originally in Spanish. Soledad Gallego-Díaz. El País. The letter by leading pro-independence politicians and supporters of holding the consultation next October 1st in which they offer the Spanish government and the king to initiate dialogue, cannot have any effect, because it is impossible that the government agrees to negotiate just as it is threatened […]
Das «Demokratie»-Spektakel in Katalonien führt in die Irre
Mit ihrem Referendum schüren die katalanischen Separatisten Ressentiments – und sie gefährden die regionale Autonomie.
Interesting times
The current situation in Catalonia has been described as a clash between legality and legitimacy. While there are cases in which there might be a conflict, it is not usually the case in modern, liberal democracies. After all they are defined by having mechanisms so that with enough legitimacy -enough votes- it is possible to […]
Manifiesto de profesores españoles de Derecho Constitucional a favor del cumplimiento de la Constitución
Más de 200 profesores de Derecho Constitucional de toda España han pedido al Presidente de la Generalitat, a la Presidenta del Parlament y otros cargos públicos que, por respeto al Estado de Derecho, se abstengan de dañar gravemente las instituciones. Hemos querido expresar su defensa del cumplimiento de la Constitución empleando las cuatro lenguas que […]
Le futur de la Catalogne
Publié sur le site The Times. Lettre à l’éditeur de The Times, par John Elliott. Monsieur, Il est surprenant de comparer son reportage (23 septembre) sur la “campagne de haine” en Catalogne menée par les partisans les plus extrémistes du plan du gouvernement catalan pour faire un référendum sur l’indépendance (“Menaces de mort à mesure […]
Originally published in Spanish. Laura Freixas. La Vanguardia. I am fed up. I am fed with a procés [the process towards independence -TN] that has been spinning like a ferris wheel for five years, going nowhere but consuming energies, monopolizing debates, wasting public resources paid by all. I am fed with a Govern [Regional government […]
Il referendum non è la soluzione
Originale: «El referéndum no es la solución». Paul Marí-Klose e Ignacio Molina. El País. La Catalogna non è un solo popolo e in realtà l’unica soluzione sono delle formule sensate per riuscire a stare insieme che faticosamente si riescano a costruire, con grandi dosi di dialogo e generosità e con sistemi di potere condiviso. La […]
Publie à l’origine en espagnol. Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo. Dans ses méditations sur la révolution anticapitaliste, le philosophe slovène Slavoj Zízêk met l’accent sur le lendemain de l’événement : cet événement auquel Jarvis Cocker consacrait une chanson, qui se terminait en disant au revoir au cholestérol. En réalité, il n’y a rien comme le […]