Foto Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht: «Rebelión y traición: los diablos familiares de Europa y la euroorden. Un prólogo para alemanes.» Luis Arroyo Zapatero. Almacén de Derecho. 10 Juli 2018 Die nationalen Dämonen Deutschlands sind anders. Die deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte zeigt die typischen Spannungen der Pluralität der Staaten mit Spannungen innerhalb des großen gesamtgermanischen Raumes – […]
Mes: julio 2018
Inside The Catalan Hurricane – Part I: «Diadas»
Excerpts from: «En el huracán catalán. Una mirada privilegiada del procés» a book by Sandrine Morel Ed. Planeta 2018 Chapter 3 The great communion of the Diada: “The world is watching!” In the early months of 2012 I started getting emails from the Catalan National Assembly (Assemblea Nacional Catalana, ANC). The association, which had been formed […]
«Don’t think of an extradition»
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “No pienses en una extradición”. Jesús Alfaro. Almacén de derecho. 17th July 2018 Introduction «If the Spanish government had consulted the judicial network of experts in European law, it might not have asked for Puigdemont’s arrest in Germany,» someone said at an after-lunch conversation. This phrase […]
El derecho a la autodeterminación de Cataluña: autopsia de un relato
Photo by Adam Birkett on Unsplash Por Alejandro Dorado Nájera «Cualquier solución al problema catalán pasa por reconocer el derecho de autodeterminación», Quim Torra, president de la Generalitat, tras su reunión con Pedro Sánchez en julio de 2018. El debate sobre el derecho de autodeterminación de Cataluña es —y será— un tema recurrente, dado que […]
The Socialists and Catalan Schools
Photo by Ravali Yan on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Los socialistas y la escuela catalana”. Joaquim Coll. El País. 28th February 2018 In view of Catalan Socialists’ closed defence of the so-called immersion policy, which they reaffirm whenever there’s some sort of controversy, one might conclude that nationalism’s greatest success has been getting them to believe that it was they […]
The End of Catalanist Consensus
Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “El fin del consenso catalán”. Daniel Gascón. El País. 17th July 2018 It’s essential to acknowledge that the balance inside Catalonia has changed The story of Clavileño is one of the most celebrated in the second part of Quixote. In order to free some women from a supposed spell, Don […]
Sánchez e Torra, tutto per la foto
Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash Originale: “Sánchez y Torra, todo por la foto”. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial. La politica di riconciliazione avviata da Sánchez si basa sulla favola di essere nella posizione di ottenere la rinuncia dell’indipendentismo a separare la Catalogna dalla Spagna Che il presidente del Governo di Spagna si riunisca con quello della Generalitat della Catalogna […]
Luoghi comuni
Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash Originale: “Lugares comunes”. Juan Claudio de Ramón. El País. 9 Iuglio 2018 La diversità impoverisce se è usata come pretesto per la segregazione La diversità è ricchezza. Ma solo quando le differenze si incontrano nella persona, come i metalli si fondono in un crogiolo o come tanti fili formano un tappeto; la diversità impoverisce se usata […]
Les comptes et les contes de l’indépendance – Partie III: Conclusions
Extraits du livre: “Las cuentas y los cuentos de la independencia”. Josep Borrell e Joan Llorach. Ed Catarata. 2015 CONCLUSIONS « […] Nous avons analysé toutes ces questions en utilisant des données vérifiables et des arguments que nous estimons convaincants, voir même incontournables, qui démontrent que rien de cela n’est vrai. Nous l’avons fait car nous […]
Trite remarks on Catalonia
Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Lugares comunes”. Juan Claudio de Ramón. El País. 9th July 2018 Diversity entails richness. But only when the differences meet in the individual, as metals melt in a crucible, or when different strands are woven into a tapestry; diversity impoverishes when used as an excuse for segregation. Bridges must be built. […]