In English Voices From Spain

The seriousness of the autumn events

Photo by Joel Tasche on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “La gravedad de los sucesos de otoño”. Roger Senserrich. Politikon. 26th June 2018 Maybe it’s due to the last weekend’s poll at La Vanguardia; maybe because I’m following too many pro-independence militants on Twitter, but I have the feeling that the Catalonian society  isn’t becoming aware of the extraordinary seriousness of […]

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In Italiano Voices From Spain

La gravità dei fatti dello scorso autunno

Photo by Joel Tasche on Unsplash Originale: “La gravedad de los sucesos de otoño”. Roger Senserrich. Politikon. 26 giugno 2018 Sarà forse per il sondaggio dello scorso fine settimana su La Vanguardia, sarà perché seguo troppi indipendentisti su Twitter, ma ho l’impressione che la società catalana non sia del tutto consapevole della straordinaria gravità dei fatti […]

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In Italiano Voices From Spain

Iracondo, assolutista e intollerante

Foto: Jeremy Bishop | Unsplash Originale: ‘Iracundo, absolutista e intolerante’. Roger Senserrich. Vozpópuli. 12 maggio 2018 Il fatto che Puigdemont abbia designato con dito bonapartista una persona convinta che il 53% dei catalani che non hanno votato per il secessionismo non siano davvero catalani, fa capire chiaramente che il dialogo è pura pantomima. Permettetemi oggi […]

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In English Voices From Spain

Irate, absolutist and bigoted

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish.‘Iracundo, absolutista e intolerante’. Roger Senserrich. Vozpópuli. 12th May 2018 Let me start my article today with a quote: “When the homeland is experiencing a moment of national urgency, when the nation is in danger of dissolving as sugar in a glass of milk, when all the bells about […]

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In English Voices From Spain

The Sedition will be Televised

Originally published in Spanish: «La sedición será televisada» Roger Senserrich. El País. Over the last few months, the members of the Generalitat government have been committing crimes. They have worked to build parallel state infrastructures. They have openly and vocally infringed court orders. They have promoted laws, decrees and agreements that have been rejected as […]

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