Publié à l’origine en espagnol. Manuel Arias Maldonado. The Objective 9 Oct 2017 Hier [8 octobre] fut une journée de drapeaux [ à Barcelone ], et on comprend bien que cela inquiète tous ceux qui gardent une certaine conscience de l’Histoire : restent très rares les désastres collectifs où des drapeaux n’ont pas été brandis […]
Etiqueta: Manuel Arias Maldonado
Flags of our Fathers
Published originally in Spanish. Manuel Arias Maldonado. The Objetive The October 8th was a day of flags and is understandable that it had caused some unrest to anyone with historical awareness: collective disasters where no flag was raised are rare. But there are reasons to ask if the flags we saw last Sunday in Barcelona […]
‘Reality bites’
Originale: “Reality Bites”. Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo. Nessun piano resiste il contatto col nemico: la frase del innovatore maresciallo prussiano Helmuth Von Moltke si adatta perfettamente alla situazione in Catalogna negli ultimi giorni. Senza escludere, certamente, che quando sará pubblicata questa nota le cose siano nuovamente cambiate. ¡Angoscia di giornalista! Non sembra. Tutto sembra […]
On Violence
Published originally in Spanish. Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo It is inevitable: when the events overflow the law, violence appears. And along with it, the reflections on violence. This has been happening since last Sunday, after the police action to prevent the holding of the illegal referendum. The tension accumulates since then; the Catalan insurrection […]
Reality Bites
Published originally in Spanish. Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo No plan resists contact with the enemy; the sentence from the innovative Prussian marshal, Helmuth Von Moltke, fits like a glove to the change of direction that Catalan question is taking in these last few days. Without prejudice that, at the time of publication of this […]
Publie à l’origine en espagnol. Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo. Dans ses méditations sur la révolution anticapitaliste, le philosophe slovène Slavoj Zízêk met l’accent sur le lendemain de l’événement : cet événement auquel Jarvis Cocker consacrait une chanson, qui se terminait en disant au revoir au cholestérol. En réalité, il n’y a rien comme le […]
Catalonia: Future Past
Originally written in Spanish by Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo. So far, almost nothing had happened in Catalonia; now, it seems as though anything could happen. The multitude replacing the citizen and an unlawful secession happening as an accomplished fact: no more, no less. It is a constitutional crisis never seen within the European Union […]