Por Miguel Aguilar. Letras Libres, November 2017 issue In the heat of the battle of Waterloo, nothing could be further from the young Fabrizio del Dongo than to imagine the mere possibility of those elegant balls that filled the hours at the Vienna Congress. These days, in Barcelona, the banging of pot and pans covers […]
Etiqueta: Letras Libres
Stuck between Action and Reaction
Originally published in Spanish. «Atrapados entre la acción y la reacción «. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres. 25 octubre 2017 It took five years for Mr Rajoy’s government to realize that the Catalan pro-independence movement matters. He neither offered dialogue nor negotiations; he did not offer alternative proposals either, when sovereignism was not yet rupturist and […]
Looking into the independence movement
Originally published in Spanish: «Indagación de lo indepe”. Ernesto Hernández Busto. Letras Libres. This is not the first time that backwardness wears the well-tailored suit of collective illusion. I think it was Juan Benet who mocked years ago the implicit redundancy of the phrase “progressive politics”. In Spain, not even the most conservative politicians dare […]
The End of the Catalan Process
Originally published in Spanish: “El final del procés”. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres. On 27th of October, the pro-independence parties in the Catalan Parliament, with the opposition absent and without the approval of the parliamentary attorneys, through a secret vote and a ballot box, tricking not only the Spanish constitution but also the Catalan Statute of […]
Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht. Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. Letras Libres. Der katalanische Unabhängigkeitsnationalismus müsste von den Erfahrungen des Separatismus aus Quebec lernen. Auch wenn wir von zwei unterschiedlichen historischen, kulturellen und politischen Realitäten sprechen, können die Niederlagen der Separatisten aus Quebec in Kanada die Zukunft der katalanischen Partner beleuchten. Die erste Lektion lautet: Ein halber Erfolg oder […]
Pris entre l’action et la réaction
Publié à l’origine en espagnol: “Atrapados entre la acción y la reacción” Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres. Rajoy n’est pas une machine à fabriquer des séparatistes, mais son silence est en train de créer un vide qui se remplie avec une propagande nationaliste professionnelle, victimiste et à vocation hégémonique. Le gouvernement de Rajoy a mis du […]
Lessons from Quebec for Catalan secessionists
Originally published in Spanish. «Lecciones desde Quebec para secesionistas catalanes» Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. Letras Libres. Although the cultural and political context of separatism in Quebec is different from that of the Catalan independence movement, the history of the former could shed light on the future of the latter. Catalan separatist nationalism could afford to learn a […]
Lezioni dal Quebec per i secessionisti catalani
Originale: “Lecciones desde Quebec para secesionistas catalanes ”. Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. Letras Libres Il nazionalismo separatista catalano potrebbe imparare alcune lezioni dal separatismo del Quebec. Anche se stiamo parlando di due realtà storiche, culturali e politiche diverse, le sconfitte subite dagli indipendentisti della provincia del Quebec in Canada potrebbero illuminare il futuro dei loro coetanei in […]
Leçons depuis le Québec pour sécessionnistes catalans
Publié à l’origine en espagnol: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. Letras Libres Bien que le contexte culturel et politique dans lequel s’est déroulé le mouvement séparatiste au Québec soit différent de l’indépendantisme en Catalogne, l’histoire du premier pourrait apporter des éclairages pour le devenir du second. Le nationalisme séparatiste catalan aurait quelques leçons à recevoir du séparatisme québécois. […]
Alcune lezioni della crisi Catalana
Originale: “Algunas lecciones de la crisis catalana”. Daniel Gascón. Letras Libres Cosa si può imparare dalla più grande sfida che ha affrontato la democrazia spagnola. La crisi catalana è la più grande sfida che ha affrontato la democrazia spagnola. Sta creando gravi danni alla Catalogna, alla Spagna e alla convivenza dei cittadini. Sarebbe però scorretto […]