Photo: Mpho Mojapelo | Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ´Pequeñas lecciones no importantes´. Andrea Mármol. The Objective. 23 April 2018 As it happened also with so many others, my parents didn’t manage to pass on to me their passion for football. They tried their best, and I’m sure that for a couple of seasons I was the girl […]
Autor: dfernandez
Haine politique envers les jeunes
Photo by Nicholas Gercken on Unsplash Publié à l’origine en espagnol: “Odio político a chavales”. Editorial. El País. 25 avril 2018 Plainte contre neuf professeurs catalans qui ont humilié les enfants de gardes civils Les étudiants du collège IES Le Palau de Sant Andreu de la Barca de Barcelone manifestent pour exiger le respect envers les […]
“Spain is stealing from us”
Excerpts from «El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia», a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. Collected by Juan Claudio de Ramón. Excerpts from Chapter 9: «El discreto encanto del supremacismo« “Spain is stealing from us”. —Alfons López Tena, Solidaritat per la Independència. “The Spanish state harasses […]
Respuesta a la carta al director de “The National” del profesor de la Universidad de Liverpool David Whyte y otros
Foto: Ian Froome | Unsplash Publicado originalmente en inglés: «There have been many dark days for Spanish democracy». David Whyte y otros. The National y aquí Estimados colegas: También nosotros somos profesores, en campos que van del Derecho a la Historia, las Ciencias o la Comunicación. Hemos leído su carta al Director de “The National” del 20 de […]
My friend the teacher Oya
Originally published in Spanish. «Mi amigo el profesor Oya». Francesc de Carreras. El País. 27th April 2018 Francisco Oya is a veteran history teacher in secondary education. He also has belonged for many years to the association Profesores por el Bilingüismo (Teachers for the Bilingualism), which was already defending a bilingual Catalan-Spanish model for the […]
Clara Ponsati n’est pas une opprimée de la lutte pour la liberté
Publié à l’origine en anglais : “Clara Ponsati is no freedom-fighting underdog”. Alfonso Valero. The Scotsman 16 avril 2018 Bien que je réside en Grande-Bretagne depuis plus de dix ans, j’ai une connaissance limitée de l’histoire de ce pays. J’ai certes vu des films historiques et des séries télévisées, et visité des sites emblématiques, mais […]
Instructions to become a dissident
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “‘Instrucciones para ser disidente”. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres 25th April 2018 On the day of Saint George, former Podem regional representative Albano Dante Fachín, who is very close to secessionist postulates (he buys the whole discourse but insists he is not a secessionist), wrote a letter that read: “Saint […]
Spain as a pain in the neck
Photo: Hans Eiskonen | Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: «España como tabarra». Félix Ovejero. El País. 20th April 2018 I’ll confess I’ve never managed to finish an article by Laín Entralgo. Especially when he kept circling Spain as a problem. It was not the author I was allergic to, but the subject matter. That is why Calvo Serer […]
A General Case? Just more nonsense
Foto: Brian Wertheim | Unsplash Originally published in Spanish.“¿Causa general? Otra majadería”. Xavier Vidal-Folch. El País. 23th April 2018 The latest novelty coined by indy propagandists is that the state is prosecuting a general case [Causa General, in Spanish. The name of an infamous catch-all prosecution conducted in the early years of Franco’s dictatorship -TN] against secessionism, Catalanism, […]
Clara Ponsatí non è una combattente per la libertà ingiustamente perseguitata
Pubblicato originalmente in inglese: “Clara Ponsati is no freedom-fighting underdog”. The Scotsman 16 aprile 2018 Pur avendo vissuto in Gran Bretagna per oltre un decennio, ho una conoscenza limitata della storia di questo paese. Sì, ho visto film storici e serie TV e ho visitato luoghi emblematici, ma sono cose che difficilmente mi consentirebbero di […]