Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ´Es imperdonable que la izquierda haya sido cómplice del independentismo´. Manel Manchón. Crónica Global. 29 April 2018 Javier Cercas interviewed by Manel Manchón. Part I Javier Cercas (Ibahernando, Cáceres, 1962) is experiencing vividly the political situation in Catalonia. He is aware that he has become […]
Autor: dfernandez
Instructions pour être dissident
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash Publié à l’origine en espagnol: “‘Instrucciones para ser disidente”. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres 25 avril 2018 En Catalogne, il y a une sorte de personnage qui se targue d’aller à contre-courant mais qui, en réalité, ne fait que défendre le statu quo nationaliste. Le jour de Sant Jordi [saint patron de la Catalogne], l’ancien […]
Photo by Michael D Beckwith on Unsplash 27th april 2018 Originally published in Spanish: “Violentamente”. Manuel Toscano. Voz Pópuli. In a ruling dated on March 21st, the judge from the 2nd courtroom of the Supreme Court indicted thirteen secessionist leaders for rebellion. Much has been discussed, and remains to be discussed, in our country about the characterization of the […]
Odio politico verso i bambini
Foto: Nicholas Gercken | Unsplash Originale: “Odio político a chavales”. Editorial. El País. 25 aprile 2018 Promuovere l’odio, la violenza o l’umiliazione contro qualcuno a causa della sua identità, ideologia o legami familiari è una condotta suscettibile di essere sanzionata dal Codice Penale (articolo 510) dal 1995. Se si scopre che questo crimine è commesso contro […]
Factory of Nations
Photo by Marie Bellando-Mitjans on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “Fábrica de naciones”. Antonio Elorza. El País. 2nd May 2018 In a lecture given some years ago, a smart Catalan political scientist, now deceased, wanted to make clear to his audience, in Alicante, what was a national language. For example, the widespread use of the Catalan, […]
Risposta alla lettera di professori al direttore di “The National”
Foto: Ian Froome on Unsplash Pubblicato originalmente in inglese: “There have been many dark days for Spanish democracy”. David Whyte e altri. The National. E qui. 27 aprile 2018 Cari colleghi: Siamo anche noi professori, in vari campi che vanno dal Diritto alla Storia, le Scienze o la Comunicazione. Abbiamo letto la vostra lettera al Direttore di «The National» dello […]
Coups, «pronunciamentos» and cheap labels
Photo by Daniel von Appen on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “Golpes, pronunciamientos y etiquetas fáciles”. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres. 2nd May 2018 A few weeks ago, the historian Santos Juliá wrote an op-ed in El País entitled “Subduing the State”, where he says that the Unilateral Declaration of Independence proclaimed by the Catalan Parliament on […]
Carles Puigdemont : un rebelle idéalisé
Photo: Patrick Hendry Publié à l’origine en allemand : «Carles Puigdemont : Verklärter Rebell. Die Zeit. Ulrich Ladurner 11 avril 2018 Le séparatiste catalan cause de graves dommages à son pays. Alors pourquoi est-il idéalisée en Allemagne ? Il est choquant de voir l’Allemagne tomber sous le charme extravagant du séparatiste catalan Carles Puigdemont. L’ancien […]
The silencing distortion
Photo by Olya Kuzovkina on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “‘La distorsión silenciadora”. Mikel Arteta. El País. 25th April 2018 Many speak of Catalonia’s ‘silent majority’, but few discuss just how it was silenced: basically, nationalists activated a fear of disagreeing. According to [Catalonian fact tank] GESOP, 91.7% of voters of the [far-left Catalonian nationalist coalition] […]
Politischer hass auf kinder
Foto: Nicholas Gercken | Unsplash Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht: “Odio político a chavales”. Editorial. El País. 25 Apr. 2018 Seit 1995 wird die Förderung des Hasses, Gewalt oder Demütigung gegen eine Person aufgrund ihrer Identität, Ideologie oder familiärer Beziehungen durch das Spanische Strafgesetzbuch (Artikel 510) bestraft. Wenn diese Straftat gegen Jugendliche im Alter zwischen 12 und […]