Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: «La fiesta ha terminado: el fin del consenso nacionalista». Jorge San Miguel. Letras Libres. 18th May 2018 We must place in the right place the “invented tradition” of the 131 presidents of the Catalan Generalitat: with stories like those by Robert Howard or Tolkien. There’s been some controversy […]
Autor: dfernandez
L’Espagne et la mort
Photo: Hannes Wolf | Unsplash Article publié à l’origine en espagnol: ‘España y la muerte’ Víctor Lapuente. El País. 15 mai 2018 Les écrits de Torra au fil des années le connectent avec le pire de l’Histoire : le suprématisme ethnique. Quim Torra a clairement indiqué quelle serait la pensée qui allait inspirer son futur gouvernement. Une rhétorique […]
O razzisti o europei
Photo by Evelyn Bertrand on Unsplash Originale: “O racistas o europeos”. Carlos Yárnoz. El País. 18 Maggio 2018 La Catalogna guidata dallo xenofobo Quim Torra non sarebbe mai accettata in Europa L’elezione di un presidente razzista situa la Generalitat agli antipodi dei valori dell’Unione Europea, il club che, secondo le promesse dei truffatori secessionisti, avrebbe accolto a braccia aperte […]
The Independence process has cost Catalonia up to two tenths of a point of GDP
Originally published in Spanish. «El ‘procés’ ha costado a Cataluña hasta dos décimas de PIB». Manuel Alejandro Hidalgo Pérez. Contexto Económico. 20th May 2018 Last December I did some simple estimations of the potential impact that the independence process could have on the Catalan economy. The result was clear: the cost was, roughly, one tenth […]
Iracondo, assolutista e intollerante
Foto: Jeremy Bishop | Unsplash Originale: ‘Iracundo, absolutista e intolerante’. Roger Senserrich. Vozpópuli. 12 maggio 2018 Il fatto che Puigdemont abbia designato con dito bonapartista una persona convinta che il 53% dei catalani che non hanno votato per il secessionismo non siano davvero catalani, fa capire chiaramente che il dialogo è pura pantomima. Permettetemi oggi […]
Atavistic Reflections
Photo by Talgat Baizrahmanov on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Reflejos atávicos”. Manuel Arias Maldonado. El Mundo. 19th May 2018 In his shocking profile of the new president of the Catalan government, the German journalist Thomas Urban has provided a valuable service of conceptual clarification. According to what we can read in the pages of Süddeutsche Zeitung, Torra’s “alleged […]
Nationalism in front of the mirror
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ´Nacionalismo ante el espejo´.Vigilis. Crónicas de un mundo feliz. 15th May 2018 Thanks to the new Catalan regional president, I believe we are now ready to remove the sticker with the word “culture” and let breathe the word “race” that was euphemistically hiding behind. Because all fragmenting nationalist movements […]
The Puigdemont plan: summer election or autumn election
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “El plan de Puigdemont: elecciones en verano o elecciones en otoño”. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial. 7th May 2018 Carles Puigdemont knows he will never again be President of Catalonia. He has realised that what awaits him over the next few years is either a Spanish prison […]
The lie about Catalonia’s 131 presidents.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ‘La mentira de los 131 presidentes de la Generalitat’ Patricia R. Blanco. El País. 20th May 2018 Quim Torra is the tenth Catalan president, an office created in 1931, not in 1359 as nationalist story tells. Almost all of Spanish media have assumed that Quim Torra is the 131st […]
Chapter Three: «A bid for the plebiscite»
Excerpts from “El golpe posmoderno. 15 lecciones para el futuro de la democracia”, a book by Daniel Gascón, 20018, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. “This is not about independence, but democracy” was a slogan frequently repeated by the independentists. And it was true in a sense, but not in the sense they meant it. The main […]