Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Euroorden”. Rafael Arenas García. Crónica Global 19th June 2018 I’m under the impression that there’s some confusion about how the European Arrest Warrant(EAW) and not only among talking heads or pundits but among politicians in office. Some days ago the Spanish Minister of Justice was asked about the EAWs issued […]
Mes: junio 2018
Game of Thrones: Sánchez, Torra and the King
Photo by Floris Jan-roelof on Unsplash Orginally published in Spanish: “A la luz del farol”. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial 22th June 2018 Lifting supervision of the regional government’s spending without demanding any guarantees. Announcing that the politicians who have been imprisoned will be sent to Catalan prisons, run by their own accomplices. Anticipating a willingness to withdraw the appeals against […]
Il giocco del trono: Sánchez, Torra e il Re
Photo by Floris Jan-roelof on Unsplash Orginale: “A la luz del farol”. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial 22 giugno 2018 Revocare la supervisione delle spese della Generalitat senza richiedere garanzie. Annunciare l’avvicinamento dei politici imprigionati alle carceri catalane controllate dai loro complici. Anticipare la disponibilità a ritirare i ricorsi alle leggi sospese dalla Corte Costituzionale. Rinviare «sine die» l’accordo multilaterale del […]
Photo by David Paschke on Unsplash Originale: “Positivado”. Rafa Latorre. El Mundo. 19th June 2018 El Roto ha disegnato una vignetta molto ragionevole e questo gli è costato alcuni problemi. Mostra una coppia con una “barretina” (berretto tipico catalano) che regge un enorme nastro giallo. Uno di loro dice: «I nastri sono per cacciare quelli che non lo portano». Grande […]
Spanish new Government and Catalonia: a truce needed and some dangerous temptations.
Foto: Michał Parzuchowski | Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “El nuevo gobierno y Cataluña: tregua necesaria y tentaciones peligrosas”. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial 11th June 2018 Pedro Sánchez should not make any relevant decision regarding Catalonia without the previous knowledge of – at least – PP and Ciudadanos. The State is going to face new challenges. Lucía Méndez reminds […]
What a bluff reveals
Photo by Adrien Robert on Unsplash Orginally published in Spanish: “A la luz del farol”. Alberto Penadés. 12th June 2018 Is the Catalonia independence process reaching for hegemony or is it acting as a vanguard looking for a decisive victory? Bluffing in this situation… is it deception or self-deception? Who believes, or has believed during these […]
Daniel Gascón: Il nazionalismo ha bisogno di poeti
Photo by Elena Alfaro Originale: “Daniel Gascón: el nacionalismo necesita poetas”. Borja Bauzá. The Objective. 15th June 2018 Daniel Gascón (Saragozza, 1981) è saggista, sceneggiatore, scrittore e responsabile dell’edizione spagnola della prestigiosa rivista “Letras Libres” . Ha anche tradotto Christopher Hitchens e Mark Lilla; il primo fu, fino alla morte, uno degli intellettuali più provocatori del ambito anglosassone e il secondo lo […]
Secret behind a door
Photo by Filip Kominik on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Secreto tras la puerta”. Manuel Arias Maldonado.El Mundo. 16th June 2018 During the 40s and 50s, psychoanalysis theories dripped into mass culture. As can be seen in movies from the period, the idea that subjects “repress” crucial events in their biography became popular. Thus, the […]
Reversal print
Photo by David Paschke on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Positivado”. Rafa Latorre. El Mundo. 19th June 2018 El Roto has drawn a very reasonable cartoon and this has gotten him into trouble. It shows a couple wearing a traditional Catalan hat or barretina and holding a huge yellow ribbon. One of them is saying, […]
Alla luce del baro
Photo by Adrien Robert on Unsplash Originale: “A la luz del farol”. Alberto Penadés. 12 giugno 2018 Il procés indipendentista cerca l’egemonia o agisce piuttosto come un’avanguardia a caccia di una vittoria decisiva? Fare il baro è inganno o autoinganno? Quanti credono, o hanno creduto in questi anni, nella possibilità reale e vicina dell’indipendenza della Catalogna? […]