Photo by Nicole Mason on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ‘Torra y el valor de las palabras’ José Andrés Rojo. El País. 22nd May 2018 Everything’s moving very quickly. We had hardly had time to take in the new Catalan president’s impressive collection of publicly exhibited xenophobic ideas when the race started to make gestures that could only be […]
Etiqueta: El País
What should everyone else do?
Photo by Björn Simon on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ‘¿Qué deben hacer los demás?’ Xavier Vidal-Folch. El País. 14th May 2018 What should constitutionalist forces do? As advocates for the law, their first obligation is to follow it. Thus, just as soon as there is a Catalan government, they must follow what was laid out in the decree […]
Estat Català: the sewer
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ´Estat català: la alcantarilla´. Xavier Vidal-Folch. El País. 14th May 2018 The candidate to become Catalan president, Quim Torra, is an admirer of the leaders of Estat Català and he attends their homages: the Badia brothers are “the best examples of independentism”, he said in 2011. In 2014 he […]
Puigdemont, 130.5th President of Catalonia
Photo by Paweł Furman on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ´Cataluña 130,5º ‘president’ Puigdemont´ J. Ignacio Torreblanca. El País. 25th Jan 2018 Incisive though her questions were, professor Marlene Wind could have asked her interlocutor about the title (130th president of the Government of Catalonia) used by the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen to introduce […]
Can the use of article 155 be extended?
Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ´¿Puede prorrogarse la aplicación del 155?´ Javier García Fernández. El País. 14th May 2018 It’s legally not possible to extend the legal situation in Catalonia, much as we may suspect they’re back to the secessionist adventures. After listening to Torra and the secessionist speakers, many people believe that the […]
The decadent ventriloquist in Berlin
Photo by Jose Francisco Morales on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ‘El decadente ventrílocuo de Berlín’ Javier Ayuso. El País. 15th May 2018 Carles Puigdemont is wrong if he believes he’s always going to be able to pull the strings on Quim Torra, the new Catalan president. The scene that will unfold today in Berlin (with […]
Either racists or Europeans
Photo by Evelyn Bertrand on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “O racistas o europeos”. Carlos Yárnoz. El País. 18th May 2018 The election of a racist president makes the Catalan regional government the antithesis of the values held by the EU, that club that was to welcome the illusory republic with open arms according to […]
Fabbrica di nazioni
Photo by Marie Bellando-Mitjans on Unsplash Originale: “Fábrica de naciones”. Antonio Elorza. El País. 2nd May 2018 Da strumento di comunicazione, la lingua diventa la chiave di un potere politico illegittimo. In una conferenza tenuta anni fa, un arguto politologo catalano, oggi scomparso, voleva chiarire davanti al suo pubblico di Alicante cosa fosse la lingua nazionale. […]
Spain and Death
Photo by Hannes Wolf on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ‘España y la muerte’ Víctor Lapuente. El País. 15th May 2018 Quim Torra has laid clear the philosophy of his future cabinet. Full of epic rhetoric about nation building but meagre in action, without any detail on specific steps. But everything generously showered with public funds for civil servants […]
Candidato di scontro
Photo by Kristen Sturdivant on Unsplash Originale: ‘Candidato de choque’. Editorial. El País. 12 Maggio 2018 Il profilo xenofobo di Torra gli impedisce di rappresentare i catalani È difficile credere quanto in basso i leader indipendentisti siano disposti a fare cadere il governo autonomo catalano. L’elezione di Quim Torra i Pla come candidato alla presidenza della […]