Publié à l’origine en espagnol: “¿Es democrático el derecho a decidir?” Juan Claudio de Ramón. El País Un des aspects les plus étonnants dans la crise territoriale espagnole, c’est l’engouement acritique et presque automatique à gauche pour le « droit à décider ». Toute la gauche catalane, et une bonne partie de la gauche espagnole, a déterminé […]
Etiqueta: El País
A revolution of good people
Published originally in Spanish. Manuel Jabois. El País. Four years ago, I had to sit down with Oriol Junqueras for a ‘cute’ interview — a summer genre I’m not great at because I’m not that cute. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and booked an interview with the adult-cinema director Erika Lust […]
Is the ‘right to decide’ democratic?
Published originally in Spanish. Juan Claudio de Ramón. El País. One of the most striking aspects of the Spanish territorial crisis is the uncritical and almost automatic embracing by the left of the famous “right to decide”. The entire Catalan left, and a large part of the Spanish left too, have endorsed the use of […]
Tarda’s youth
Published originally in Spanish. Ricardo Dudda. El País. On September 22, Esquerra Republicana MP Joan Tardà gave a speech to students of the University of Barcelona. He said: «We have the commitment to give birth to the [Catalan] Republic, but it is you who will lead it. And if you do not, you will commit […]
To get into the trap
Published originally in Spanish. Soledad Gallego-Díaz. El País. To get into the trap and to close the door: that is what the Catalonian Government want the Catalonians to do, with its insistence on celebrating an independence referendum on October 1st. To fall into the same trap that many other western societies are falling into, assuming […]
Les mensonges de Puigdemont
Publié à l’origine en espagnol. El País. Dans une démocratie, les autorités ne peuvent pas mentir impunément aux citoyens Lorsque ont eu lieu les registres et détentions effectuées hier (le 20 septembre) par la Guardia Civil dans divers services de la Generalitat, son président, Carles Puigdemont, le président de la Generalitat de Catalogne, a formulé […]
Starting over
Originally published in Spanish. Sandra León. El País. This year the Diada (Translator’s note: celebration of the day of Catalonia, September 11th) looked a lot like previous occasions for its festive, pacific and multitudinous spirit. But it was not the same. Not only because it intended to be the start of the campaign towards the […]
A state of incommunication
Published originally in Spanish. Víctor Lapuente. El País. Outside of Catalonia, many analysts are flabbergasted. How is it possible that a large sector of Catalonian society -from amateur agitators to professional associations- are mistaking the work of the Civil Guard [a Spanish national police force – TN], following court instructions, for an authoritarian repression? Why […]
Two Republics for the price of one
Originally published in Spanish. José Ignacio Torreblanca. El País. In Spain we spend our days talking about a far right which does not exist -not politically, socially, electorally or in parliament. Media and and international observers have remarked on this absence for years. Some people, with a very sensitive detector, tell us that there is […]
A Sophisticated Nightmare
Publish originally in Spanish. Soledad Gallego-Díaz. El País. The letter by leading pro-independence politicians and supporters of holding the consultation next October 1st in which they offer the Spanish government and the king to initiate dialogue, cannot have any effect, because it is impossible that the government agrees to negotiate just as it is threatened […]