Originally published in Spanish: “Euroorden y confianza mutua”. Adán Nieto. El País. 10 Apr 2018 The European arrest warrant issued by the Spanish Supreme Court requesting the handing over of Mr Puigdemont under charges of rebellion and embezzlement is a case in which the automatic application of the rules offers no clear solutions. It must […]
Categoría: In English
No nos hagáis volver. Don’t force us to come back
ESPAÑOL (In English below) «Cuando todo se acabe y nadie nos recuerde seguro que nos vemos en cualquier fiesta…» La Mode. “En cualquier fiesta”. Álbum 1984. Nos vamos, hemos cumplido nuestro objetivo. Tal vez no hayamos sido nosotros, tal vez ni se haya notado nuestra presencia, pero quién sabe, tal vez sí. Empezamos este […]
The Invisibles
Originally published in Spanish: “Los invisibles”. Ignacio Camacho. ABC. 30 Oct 2017 Maladjusted. That’s how dissident Catalans of nationalism were described in a document seized by Civil Guard from one of Oriol Junqueras’ aids, arrested for organizing the illegal consultation on October 1st. Something like those “irrecoverable” evited from Stalinism that Jean Paul Sartre denounced […]
Necessary and Sufficient
Por Miguel Aguilar. Letras Libres, November 2017 issue In the heat of the battle of Waterloo, nothing could be further from the young Fabrizio del Dongo than to imagine the mere possibility of those elegant balls that filled the hours at the Vienna Congress. These days, in Barcelona, the banging of pot and pans covers […]
To curse
Originally published in Spanish: “Jurar en Arameo”. Aurora Nacarino-Brabo. The Objective. 2 Nov 2017 Accustomed to lie, with certain critical and commercial success, the Catalan government thought that he could dub to several languages the sitcom which is the Catalan process and export it to Europe. It would be like a sort of spin-off of […]
Stuck between Action and Reaction
Originally published in Spanish. «Atrapados entre la acción y la reacción «. Ricardo Dudda. Letras Libres. 25 octubre 2017 It took five years for Mr Rajoy’s government to realize that the Catalan pro-independence movement matters. He neither offered dialogue nor negotiations; he did not offer alternative proposals either, when sovereignism was not yet rupturist and […]
Playing by Ear
Originally published in Spanish: “Tocar de oído”. Manuel Arias Maldonado. The Objective. 6 Nov 2017 We talk much about the obstacle that, for the democratic government of contemporary societies, its complexity represents. And rightly so. But the Catalan crisis shows us that even the simplest aspects of democratic political organization constitute an endless source of […]
On the “Catalan process” and the Balkans
Originally published in Spanish: “Del ‘procés’ catalán y los Balcanes”. Borja Lasheras. El Mundo. 6 Nov 2017 In spite of the noise about Catalonia, we must keep refuting the Catalan process’ post-truths, in the hope of recovering the seny [a Catalan term for «common sense»]. Given the propensity of its spin doctors to shamelessly appropriate […]
A Compared Perspective on Spanish Democracy
Originally published in Spanish: “La democracia española en perspectiva comparada”. Pau Marí-Klose. Agenda Pública. 5 Nov 2017 For sometime now, the Spanish state has been sharply criticized for government and court actions related to the Catalonian question. One of the most widely held views, spouted to all and sundry by secessionists, Podemos and the “Comunes” […]
Looking into the independence movement
Originally published in Spanish: «Indagación de lo indepe”. Ernesto Hernández Busto. Letras Libres. This is not the first time that backwardness wears the well-tailored suit of collective illusion. I think it was Juan Benet who mocked years ago the implicit redundancy of the phrase “progressive politics”. In Spain, not even the most conservative politicians dare […]