Published originally in Spanish. Manuel Jabois. El País. Four years ago, I had to sit down with Oriol Junqueras for a ‘cute’ interview — a summer genre I’m not great at because I’m not that cute. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and booked an interview with the adult-cinema director Erika Lust […]
Mes: octubre 2017
Los nacionalistas catalanes son como cualesquier otros separatistas: se alimentan de la división y la fantasía
Publicado originalmente en inglés. Josep Piqué. The Telegraph. El referéndum de este domingo ha sido declarado inconstitucional, pero el gobierno regional sigue adelante. La política interna española es cada vez más febril. Los eventos en Cataluña están provocando una escalada de tensión, con miles de personas saliendo a las calles en apoyo del referéndum inconstitucional […]
I am a bad Catalan
Originally published in Spanish. Pablo Mediavilla Costa. I was born in Barcelona, though we haven’t get along well. I always felt weird in it, as if it was a film set −one of the most fascinating ones− or me an extra. I lived there until my 23, in a town in the outskirts, and I […]
Personal memories
Original autor: Grad Student in USA. Tomorrow [October 1], the government in Catalonia will try to organize a referendum to declare, unilaterally, the secession from the rest of Spain. This process has been opposed by the central government, and by most population in Spain. People in Catalonia are also divided, but at this point, it […]
L’étrange défaite
Publié à l’origine en espagnol. Daniel Capó. The Objective. Les défaites politiques sont souvent le résultat d’erreurs d’intelligence. C’est la thèse que soutient l’historien Marc Bloch dans l’un de ses livres les plus lucides. – L’étrange défaite – et il devient inévitable dans ces moments de grande inquiétude civile de nous retourner vers lui. L’étrange […]
Is the ‘right to decide’ democratic?
Published originally in Spanish. Juan Claudio de Ramón. El País. One of the most striking aspects of the Spanish territorial crisis is the uncritical and almost automatic embracing by the left of the famous “right to decide”. The entire Catalan left, and a large part of the Spanish left too, have endorsed the use of […]
They have accustomed to spit on the rest of Spaniards
Félix Ovejero interviewed by Emilia Landaluce. Originally in Spanish. El Mundo. What such a boring, the Catalan issue… You see it. I wish we could be talking about poetry. But everything seems to lead us to the same place. And we must stick our neck out. That was, in essence, what I was referring to […]
The Ten Lies of the Rigged Referendum
Published originally in Spanish. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial. Speaking to someone who had a long experience on international monitoring of electoral processes, I asked what an observer committee (of the European Parliament, for example) would do if it were requested to inspect the intended referendum of the October 1st in its current status. The answer […]
El cálculo de los separatistas
Publicado originalmente en alemán. Ulrich Ladurner. Zeit Online. Los catalanes siguen adelante con su cuestionable referéndum de independencia, escalada incluída. Su antidemocrática manera de proceder no deja más remedio a Madrid que tener una reacción firme. El pasado miércoles en Barcelona el jefe del Govern Carles Puigdemont comparecía ante la prensa y afirmaba: “el Gobierno […]
Über Probleme und Lösungen in Katalonien
Ursprünglich auf Spanisch veröffentlicht. Miguel Aguilar. Letras Libres. Die „Katalonische Frage“ ist eine Kombination zweier Probleme, die gerne verwechselt werden. Eines der Probleme besteht seit langem und hat damit zu tun, wie Katalonien zum Rest von Spanien passt und was das territorial bedeutet. Das zweite ist das illegale Abenteuer, auf das sich die katalonische Regierung […]