In English Voices From Spain

Europe as a solution?

Originally published in Spanish: «¿Europa como solución?». Sandra León. El País Catalan nationalist parties who have embraced independence do not seek in Europe a space for participation, but for acknowledgement “Spain is the problem. Europe is the solution”. This quote by Ortega y Gasset, which was pronounced at the beginning of the 20th century in […]

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In Italiano Voices From Spain

L’Europa come soluzione?

Originale: “¿Europa como solución?”. Sandra León. El País «La Spagna è il problema. L’Europa è la soluzione». Questa frase di Ortega y Gasset pronunciata all’inizio del ventesimo secolo e facendo riferimento alla Spagna potrebbe servire oggi per illustrare gli sforzi dei partiti indipendentisti catalani per vedere l’Unione europea come un alleato per gestire il conflitto […]

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In English Voices From Spain

The cruel reality

Originally published in English. Sandra Leon. El Pais It is possible that from now on the economy becomes the moderating factor in the ‘procés’ The answers to the actions initiated by the Government of Catalonia during the last few weeks can be summarized, following an old theory, in the types: Loyalty, Voice and Exit. Whereas […]

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In English Voices From Spain

Starting over

Originally published in Spanish. Sandra León. El País. This year the Diada (Translator’s note: celebration of the day of Catalonia, September 11th) looked a lot like previous occasions for its festive, pacific and multitudinous spirit. But it was not the same. Not only because it intended to be the start of the campaign towards the […]

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