In Italiano Voices From Spain

«Il colpo di stato ha dimostrato che lo Stato si difende e che tra l’altro ai catalani piace molto»

Photo by Antón Castro Originale: “El golpe que mostró que el Estado se defiende y que además le gusta a muchos catalanes”. Ramón González Férriz. El Confidencial 6 Maggio 2018 Il giornalista e direttore della rivista Letras ha scritto un saggio breve e incisivo sul «procés» e sull’indipendentismo catalano Il «procés» catalano ha rappresentato la maggiore sfida alla democrazia […]

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In English Voices From Spain

“The coup showed that the state will defend itself, and that many Catalans actually like it”

Photo by Antón Castro Orginally published in Spanish: “El golpe que mostró que el Estado se defiende y que además le gusta a muchos catalanes”. Ramón González Férriz. El Confidencial 6th May 2018 The Catalan secessionist procés [TN: Catalan for ‘process’] has been the greatest challenge so far to modern Spanish democracy. But aside from a […]

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In English Voices From Spain

A Catalan Cultural Autobiography: The End of a Hegemony that seemed Indestructible

Originally published in Spanish: “Autobiografía cultural catalana: El fin de una hegemonía que parecía indestructible”. Ramón González Férriz. El Confidencial. In my formative years in Catalonia —the 80’s and 90’s— a cultural hegemony apparently indestructible reigned. It was the result of an unstable yet functional coalition between nationalism and progressivism. Nationalism was committed to ensure […]

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In English Voices From Spain

Foucault in Teheran: Revolution Makes Strange Bedfellows

Originally published in Spanish. Ramón González Férriz. El Confidencial. The consideration of any imaginable alternative as a better scenario than the real, present one is a constant feature of human psychology. Interestingly, so is the opposite —preferring the mediocre certainty of the present to the uncertainty of breaking its balance—. In political terms, the former […]

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