Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: las declaraciones de acusados, testigos, y la estrategia de la inviolabilidad . Hay Derecho 25 Feb 2019 Last Monday we launched the series of pieces on the trial to the Catalan “procés” to clarify why the Supreme Court is the competent authority to know about the case, by examining the defense […]
Categoría: In English
What Catalan secessionists do not understand about Brexit
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Lo que los independentistas catalanes no entienden del Brexit”. Marta García Aller. El Independiente. 10/02/2019 Updated 11/02/19 – 00: 03 Catalan secessionists do not understand, or they do not want to understand, what the purpose of a referendum is. The best evidence of this is that they always propose as an […]
#JuicioProcés: The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, the strategies of the defendants and the yellow ribbons
Originally published in Spanish: #JuicioProcés: La competencia del TS, las estrategias de defensa y los lazos amarillos . Hay Derecho 18 february, 2019 On February 3 we announced our intention to tell the story of the «Trial of the Procés» (more precisely, the trial of the acts committed by some people in the aforementioned process), and […]
Carlos Alsina interviews Joaquim Torra
Onda Cero. “Más de Uno”. February 13, 2019Full transcription. Photo by Onda Cero CARLOS ALSINA: Here with us now is Joaquim Torra, President of the Regional Government of Catalonia. Good morning, Mr Torra JOAQUIM TORRA: Good morning CA: Thanks for being here JT: Thanks to you CA: [Former President] Puigdemont’s favorite, Vicar of Puigdemont, Puigdemont’s […]
20 Quotes from the Prosecution that Knocked Down the Defense’s “political trial” claim.
Photo by Peter Lewicki on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Las 20 frases de la Fiscalía que han tumbado el ‘juicio político’ de las defensas”. Ángela Martialay y Antonio Salvador. El Independiente. 1 – “The right to decide belongs to the Spanish people as a whole”. 2 – “What belongs to all of us is not […]
A conspiracy in broad daylight
Originally published in Spanish: “Una conspiración a pleno sol”. Daniel Gascón. Tinta Libre nº66. Febrero 2019 The events that took place in Catalonia in the fall of 2017 were both new and old. On 6 and 7 September, the regional parliament of Catalonia passed the Law of Juridical Transition and the Law of Referendum. It did so with […]
Full text of Mario Vargas Llosa’s resignation letter from PEN Club International
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Carta íntegra de la renuncia de Mario Vargas Llosa al PEN Club Internacional”. Mario Vargas Llosa. ABC. Madrid, January 22nd 2019. Mrs. Jennifer Clement, president of PEN International Esteemed Jennifer, I hereby surrender my irrevocable resignation from PEN International, of which I was president […]
An interview to Joaquim Coll: “The exclusion of Spanish in the schools is a nonsense”
Originally published in Spanish: «Entrevista a Joaquim Coll: “La exclusión del castellano en la escuela es un despropósito”. Óscar Benítez. El Catalán.es. 1st January 2019 The historian Joaquim Coll (Barcelona, 1967) was vice-president of Sociedad Civil Catalana and one of the promoters of Federalistes d’Esquerres. Also a columnist, he currently writes for media such as […]
Judicial authoritarianism and political sciences
Photo by Johannes Hofmann on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: «Autoritarismo judicial y ciencia política”. Fernando Jiménez Sánchez. El Mundo. 24th December 2018 Spanish politics has given the world some widespread words such as liberal, guerrilla or pronunciamiento, to mention the most famous. The latest creation of the Spanish genius is the phrase “judicial authoritarianism”. […]
Inebriated political scientists
Photo by Snowy Vin on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Politólogos borrachos”. José Ignacio Torreblanca. El Mundo. 15th December 2018 Doctors do not intentionally harm their patients. Reporters do not make up news. Police agents do not fabricate evidence. Judges do not accept bribes. Each profession has a Hippocratic core which they can not violate. What about political scientists? […]