Photo by Evelyn Bertrand on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. “O racistas o europeos”. Carlos Yárnoz. El País. 18th May 2018 The election of a racist president makes the Catalan regional government the antithesis of the values held by the EU, that club that was to welcome the illusory republic with open arms according to […]
Mes: mayo 2018
Fabbrica di nazioni
Photo by Marie Bellando-Mitjans on Unsplash Originale: “Fábrica de naciones”. Antonio Elorza. El País. 2nd May 2018 Da strumento di comunicazione, la lingua diventa la chiave di un potere politico illegittimo. In una conferenza tenuta anni fa, un arguto politologo catalano, oggi scomparso, voleva chiarire davanti al suo pubblico di Alicante cosa fosse la lingua nazionale. […]
Torra, the activation of ethnocentrism and the ‘mambo’
Originally published in Spanish. «Torra, la activación del etnicismo y el mambo». Pau Marí-Klose. Agenda Pública. 14th May 2018 Catalonia is a fragile object, as Oriol Bartomeus recently recalled in an excellent post. As in many other places, history has assembled fragments without completely fusing them, leaving behind scars that remind us of the effort […]
November 9th: an ignored warning
Photo by Felix Russell-Saw on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “El 9N: un aviso que no se atendió”. Editorial. El Mundo. That the secessionist process required a complex criminal web is not doubted even by its promoters, whose internal documents warned clearly about the unavoidable clash with the state that the disconnection project entailed. What the […]
Qui est Quim Torra, le prochain président du Gouvernement de la Catalogne?
Photo by Yosh Ginsu on Unsplash Publié à l’origine en espagnol: ‘¿Quién es Quim Torra, el próximo presidente de la Generalitat?’.Manel Manchón. Crónica Global. 10th Mai 2018 L’homme choisi par Puigdemont a été président d’Òmnium Cultural [association très active du mouvement sécessionniste] et se vante de s’investir pour l’indépendance avec toutes les conséquences que cela […]
Spain and Death
Photo by Hannes Wolf on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish. ‘España y la muerte’ Víctor Lapuente. El País. 15th May 2018 Quim Torra has laid clear the philosophy of his future cabinet. Full of epic rhetoric about nation building but meagre in action, without any detail on specific steps. But everything generously showered with public funds for civil servants […]
Il piano di Puigdemont: elezioni in estate o elezioni in autunno
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash Originale: “El plan de Puigdemont: elecciones en verano o elecciones en otoño”. Ignacio Varela. El Confidencial. 7 Maggio 2018 L ‘ex-president ha riconosciuto che ciò che lo attende nei prossimi anni è una prigione spagnola o vagare come latitante in Europa Carles Puigdemont sa che non sarà mai più Presidente […]
Quim Torra, a fundamentalist agitator
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash Originally published in Spanish: “Quim Torra, agitador integrista” . Joaquim Coll. Crónica Global. 10th May 2018 After the political change in the Barcelona municipal government in 2011, with the arrival of Xavier Trias (from Convergència) to the mayorship, the Born project morphed from a cultural center into a temple […]
Notre Jörg Haider
Photo by Fernando Mateo on Unsplash Publié à l’origine en espagnol. ´Nuestro Jörg Haider´. Rafa Latorre. El Mundo. 13 Mai 2018 Quim Torra invite à la caricature. Les journaux parlent de lui comme d’une marionnette, d’un pantin ou d’un épouvantail. On raconte que Carles Puigdemont lui a interdit d’occuper son bureau et qu’il a collé l’étiquette d’intérimaire à […]
Candidato di scontro
Photo by Kristen Sturdivant on Unsplash Originale: ‘Candidato de choque’. Editorial. El País. 12 Maggio 2018 Il profilo xenofobo di Torra gli impedisce di rappresentare i catalani È difficile credere quanto in basso i leader indipendentisti siano disposti a fare cadere il governo autonomo catalano. L’elezione di Quim Torra i Pla come candidato alla presidenza della […]