The «Sindicatura Electoral», an organ similar to the Central Board of Elections of Spain (Junta Electoral Central) has been disolved in order to avoid the fines imposed by the Constitutional Court of Spain, which has suspended the Referendum law after the Spanish Government appealed. The explanation for this dissolution, in the words of Catalan officials, […]
Mes: septiembre 2017
Catalonia, a postmodern coup
The Catalan government is attacking democratic legality, and Spain is defending it.
Borrell: “The City is worried about the situation of the Catalonian banks”
Originally published in Expansión. Interview by Amparo Polo / Roberto Casado. Former Minister meets with investors in London to discuss the secessionist challenge. “An escalation would scare markets”. Josep Borrell (La Pobla de Segur, 1947), former socialist minister and former President of the European Parliament, affirmed yesterday in London that the City is particularly concerned […]
Three myths about Catalonia’s independence movement
Spain faces its worst constitutional crisis since the failed 1981 coup d’état, driven by Brexit-style populism
The lies of the Catalan regional premier
The gravity, but above all the falseness of the accusations that he made, now force us to debunk them one by one, for the sake of rigor and freedom of information. We believe it to be a basic tenet of democracy that public authorities cannot lie to citizens with impunity.
L’avenir de l’Europe se joue (à nouveau) en Catalogne
Le défi lancé à la démocratie espagnole par le séparatisme catalan avec le référendum qui doit se tenir le 1er octobre concerne l’Europe tout entière.
Qué es Voices from Spain – What’s Voices from Spain
Español (English below) El desafío secesionista en Cataluña es la mayor crisis que ha vivido la democracia española en décadas, y puede tener consecuencias decisivas para la Unión Europea. Como los defensores del Brexit en la campaña del referéndum en el Reino Unido, los partidarios del independentismo han intoxicado el debate con tergiversaciones, promesas falsas […]